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Travel Log | 旅行足迹

“The wish to travel seems to me characteristically human,” the famed explorer and writer Paul Theroux once said. “That desire to move, to satisfy your curiosity or ease your fears, to change the circumstances of your life, to be a stranger, to make a friend, to experience an exotic landscape, to risk the unknown.”

This page shows my travel footprints. / 这是我的旅行足迹。

My Travel Blog | 我的旅行博客

【旅行】秘鲁库斯科圣谷Sacred Valley
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru 库斯科 Cusco 圣谷 Sacred Valley
【旅行】秘鲁彩虹山Rainbow Mountain
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru 彩虹山 Rainbow Mountain Vinicunca
【旅行】秘鲁纳斯卡线条Nazca Lines--外星人的杰作
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru 纳斯卡 Nazca
【旅行】秘鲁Paracas帕拉卡斯和Ballestas Islands巴列斯塔斯群岛
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru 帕拉卡斯 Paracas 巴列斯塔斯群岛 Ballestas Islands
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru Skylodge SacredValley 圣谷
【旅行】印加古道徒步 Inca Trail
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旅行 Travel 秘鲁 Peru 印加古道 IncaTrail 马丘比丘 MachuPicchu
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旅行 Travel 埃及 Egypt 金字塔 Pyramid